During the study abroad tour we have learned a couple interesting things about ourselves. One major thing would be that in Canada we have never really considered the field of foreign affairs. After meeting the trade commissioner at the Canadian embassy in Vienna, we realized that there is a whole world out there filled with opportunities in working in the foreign affairs field. The speakers from the UN were quite passionate about the projects they were working on. This inspired us because the work they do is actually contributing and benefiting the world at large. It made us rethink what we want our impact on the world to be. Before these presentations, we had never considered foreign affairs jobs or jobs with UN. This trip will make us definitely rethink our future paths and where we want to end up working.
A second thing we learned about ourselves after living in Vienna is that, that would be the city we would want to live in. The culture of the city, the convenience of the transportation systems and beautiful views are a couple reason why. Learning german is for sure at the top of our lists when we go back to MacEwan in the fall!
What was your biggest takeaway from your travels?